Step by step guides are great, especially for beginners.

Whether you’re just starting to play the guitar, learn the piano, or improve your voice, a guide which outlines what you should do in a step by step, exercise by exercise manner, can be so beneficial.

I’ve been apart of so many courses for learning various things like music, customizing websites, drawing, etc.

Learning through progressions has always been the most valuable type of learning for me. Everyone learns a bit differently, but if you’re someone who likes to be guided, in a structured format, then applying this type of learning to singing can really help you improve your voice.

How Step By Step Works for Singing

Sometimes this type of learning does not work.

Many times people want a step by step guide to building a business for example. In this case, it usually doesn’t work because there are so many variables.

But with singing, especially for beginners, it’s a great approach.

Learning to sing is just like learning any other skill. There are not hundreds of different variables like there might be in building a business (cost, finance, hiring, products, marketing etc.)

Singing is something you can learn by following the right instruction, and doing the right exercises.

I’m not saying it won’t take a lot of hard work, but when you mix the right instruction with practice, you see results. This is the secret to singing.

What’s not so simple, is finding this guide…

Fortunately you’re in luck, because “this guide”, the actual step by step plan and program has been my passion for the last few years, and it’s really what a big part of this website is all about.

I have the perfect plan for you.

A Recommended Program

The program I recommend you use is called The Superior Singing Method.

Here is a behind the scenes look at the different modules and exercises you get with this guide:

superiror-singing-modulesSteps = Modules

With this course, "Steps" are referred to as "Modules", and there are 8 of them. Each module has 6 lessons.

In module 1, Lesson 1, you focus on warm up exercises, specifically humming. Lesson 2 moves on to lip rolls and so on.

What's great about this course is that there is a wonderful progression from the warm up exercises in Module 1, all the way to the vibrato exercises in Module 8.

If you want a full lesson by lesson guide, this is definitely it, and it's the singing program I recommend most.

Read the full review and find more information here. 

Tyler S
Tyler S

I'm Tyler, the webmaster here at My passion is music, and my job is to supply reviews and articles about all the different ways you can learn and produce music online. I hope you find this website helpful.