If you just bought a piano keyword, or perhaps received one as a gift, you might be thinking: What do I do now?

How can you use this instrument to the fullest, and learn it quickly?

This is when you’ll want to review some online piano learning software.

There are a few piano software programs which can teach you the piano and make use of some of the features found inside electronic pianos.

What is Piano Learning Software?

The dashboard for learning with flowkeyBuying the instrument is the first step, but now you need to learn how to play it.

Here are your options: Learn online, or pay for in person lessons.

As you can imagine, this website is all about learning music online. I have reviewed many different musical learning platforms found online, and recommend this avenue over in person lessons.

When it comes to learning the piano online, you have a few choices to make. Because you have an electronic piano, you can take advantage of some great features.

The second step is learning about online piano software. Basically piano software helps you learn the piano through interactive tools that you either download, or log into via a website.

You download it to your computer or use a particular website and the program combines gaming elements with other forms of technology to help you learn and master this instrument.

You can learn almost any song from from the comfort of your home, any time of the day. Some programs combine video lessons with interactive dashboards so you can track your progress and get instructions on particular songs.

The best way to really learn about these tools is to jump over and check out the full reviews I’ve done on two of the best options available right now. You can check them out here.

Piano Programs I Recommend

The easiest way to explain what piano software is and how it can help you learn the piano, is by reviewing two products I personally use and recommend: Playground Sessions and flowkey.

You can read about both of these software programs here:

    Read Review

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    Tyler S
    Tyler S

    I'm Tyler, the webmaster here at VoicesInc.org. My passion is music, and my job is to supply reviews and articles about all the different ways you can learn and produce music online. I hope you find this website helpful.